I graduated in “Comunicação Empresarial” since for me communication is life´s fundamental basis. Any relationship, partnership, experience, connection, or business only succeeds with a good communication.
I began my professional career starting with an internship in BrandKey marketing department, followed by another one in Sonae MC marketing department, until I joined Zero a Oito, a children's marketing agency that was just beginning its journey. With and at Zero a Oito, I grew according to market's needs, always adapting us to new challenges.
Founding member of Zero a Oito, establishing them as a leading publisher in the Portuguese market through leadership focused on innovation, perseverance, client mindfulness and an always open eye for market changes and opportunities.
In the meantime, I specialized in Communication with a Master's degree at Instituto Espanhol in Madrid, where I also worked in The Walt Disney Company marketing department.
But resuming…. who is Madalena? A natural communicator who loves The STage (having already performed in four plays, with the fifth on the way), who loves sports, leads a healthy lifestyle, but above all, loves all the kind of people.
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