
  • Employment rate: 0 %
  • Unemployment rate: 0 %
  • Average salary:
  • Median household income:
  • Commuting: 0 %
  • Consumer price index:
  • Average sales value per m2:
  • Average sales value per m2 T1:
  • Average sales value per m2 T2:
  • Average sales value per m2 T3:
  • Average sales value per m2 T4+:
  • Average rental value per m2:
  • Cost per restaurant meal:
  • Medium supermarket basket:
  • Transport cost:
  • Average annual temperature: 0 ℃
  • Buildings With Wheelchair Accessibility: 0 %
Disclaimer: Data sourced from INE. Information subject to change.

Graça dates back to medieval times when it was an area outside the city walls. For centuries, it served as a refuge for the working class and later became a center of cultural and artistic activities. Its name derives from the Church of Nossa Senhora da Graça, one of the neighborhood's historical landmarks.

Architecture and Urban Landscape

Graça's architecture blends historic buildings with traditional houses adorned with colorful tiles. The steep and winding streets lead to spectacular viewpoints such as Miradouro da Senhora do Monte, offering panoramic views of Lisbon, the Tagus River, and beyond.

Culture and Local Life

Today, Graça is a hub of creativity and culture, with a vibrant art scene, art galleries, quaint cafes, and traditional restaurants. It also hosts local festivals, cultural events, and gastronomic fairs that celebrate Lisbon's identity.

Quality of Life

Residents of Graça enjoy an excellent quality of life, with a welcoming community and various amenities nearby, such as traditional markets, neighborhood shops, and accessible public transportation. The tranquil environment and strong community spirit enhance the neighborhood's charm.

Challenges and Future

Challenges include managing sustainable tourism and preserving historical heritage, ensuring that Graça maintains its authenticity while adapting to modern changes. Sustainable revitalization plans are essential for balanced neighborhood development.


In summary, Graça is a captivating neighborhood in Lisbon where history, culture, and local life harmoniously intertwine. With its picturesque architecture, stunning views, and welcoming atmosphere, Graça remains a must-visit destination for residents and visitors alike seeking to explore the true spirit of the Portuguese capital.





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