COLDWELL BANKER PORTUGAL and the COLDWELL BANKER Agencies collect and use Client data to inform them about opportunities to sell, buy, or rent properties, provide administrative support during these processes, communicate promotions or marketing campaigns, and comply with legal obligations.

Client data is obtained directly or indirectly through the information provided by Clients and the documentation they submit. This data may be collected by Coldwell Banker Agencies, their representatives, or through the website Clients can access, export, modify, or delete their data by sending an email to

The data is used to generate personalized property recommendations, confirm meetings, and send automated messages. Additionally, it is necessary to formalize documents such as deeds, promissory contracts, and registration acts related to properties, in collaboration with notaries, registries, and similar entities.

Client data is kept for a period of 2 years from the last contact, except in cases where specific legal obligations require longer periods. The processing of this data is carried out by the company CASAFARI, contracted for this purpose.

Clients can give their consent for the processing of their data through the website and also have the option to:

  • Object to the processing of their data;
  • Limit this processing;
  • Withdraw consent at any time, without affecting the legality of the processing carried out up to the date of withdrawal;
  • Request the correction, updating, or deletion of data;
  • Exercise the right to obtain and transfer their data to other data controllers.

Clients have the right to be notified in case of any personal data breach and to lodge complaints about the processing of their data with the supervisory authority (CNPD).

Coldwell Banker Portugal and its Agencies also retain data of recruitment candidates to inform them about career opportunities. For privacy policy purposes, these candidates are treated the same as Clients.

Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)

In accordance with Article 18 of Law No. 144/2015, of September 8, in case of dispute or dissatisfaction with the service or product provided, the consumer may resort to one of the Consumer Alternative Dispute Resolution entities listed at Additional information can be obtained at

Website Terms of Use

The information available on the website can be viewed, copied, printed, and distributed only for non-commercial use, provided that the copyright notice is included in all copies. The information may be used to make purchase requests, but it cannot be modified or reinterpreted to be protected by other copyrights, patents, trademarks, or intellectual property registrations that do not belong to Coldwell Banker.

The website may contain technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Therefore, Coldwell Banker assumes no responsibility for any direct, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages resulting from the use of the site, including loss of data, revenue, or business interruptions due to the use or inability to use the information available. Coldwell Banker also does not take responsibility for the content of websites of its agencies or third parties that contain links to or from


All elements of this electronic edition of Coldwell Banker Portugal, including texts, photos, illustrations, and others, are protected by law under the Copyright and Related Rights Code. Copying, reproducing, and distributing the materials without the express authorization of Coldwell Banker Portugal is prohibited, except for legal citations.

The commercial use of the contents of the electronic edition of Coldwell Banker Portugal, such as texts, photos, and illustrations, is strictly prohibited. Coldwell Banker Portugal reserves the right to take legal action against any unauthorized use of these materials