He is only 26 years old, but he has a diversified background in the job market, both in the area of production, in the area of customer service and even in marketing! Joana Marques is unstoppable and knows what she wants: not to stay normal. We could even say that it was for this reason that he chose the real estate business, but, in fact, it is a much greater purpose. The bug for houses comes from afar - as a child, she remembers visiting properties with her grandmother, just for the pleasure of getting to know them from the inside and being inspired by the decoration of each one. Combined with the fact that she is a caregiver by nature - in the Teixeira & Felizardo team, she is considered the "mommy" - this is a job that fits her like a glove, where she can help people solve one of the great challenges of their lives: buying a house. She considers herself loyal, focused (she is self-motivated) and confident, but these attributes would not have the same flavor without her contagious joy, which makes her stay in conversation with people for hours, because she also knows how to listen. Will it be with you the next conversation?
- (Call to mobile phone network)