At the age of 38, it is Jorge Sanches himself who recognizes his most important values: ethics, responsibility, method and perfectionism, under which he wakes up every morning for another day of work as a consultant. In his professional career, he had the opportunity to work in the bakery and automotive industry, but it was in 2017 that, through an invitation from Coldwell Banker City, he learned about the pleasure of working in the real estate business, continuing his taste for the commercial area. Born in Lisbon and father of a 20-year-old woman, he puts his family first, which leads him to understand the need for all families to want to find the best home for themselves. He doesn't like to be late, he needs to sleep 8 hours a day, he runs and plays football, which helps him focus on the challenges of everyday life. If he were asked for advice, he would not hesitate and say: carpe diem!
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