Coldwell Banker Southbay

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After several years working in prominent social media, and later in advertising area for national and international brands, I developed a natural and deep relationship with clients and partners, which was the basis of my current focus on people, and their interests as objectives. Later, I created a leading magazine and in a unique segment dedicated to luxury brands that are represented in Portugal. This initiative deepened my interest and knowledge in the “luxury” area, establishing important partnerships until today.The real estate sector has always been a passion, and as it was constantly, directly or indirectly, present in my daily life, both in the construction of my own home and in the remodeling of homes in different locations, in national and international locals.I recently had the opportunity and challenge to join Coldwell Banker. On the one hand, it was the solution to my previous challenges, knowledge and interests, on the other hand, Coldwell Banker conveys to me the excellence, prestige, values and focus on clients that always accompany me personally and professionally.My purpose remains the same over these long years... the business connections focusing from and to people.


Av D Nuno Alvares Pereira 73 A
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