
  • Employment rate: 55,28 %
  • Unemployment rate: 8,03 %
  • Average salary: 1 301 €
  • Median household income: 14 896 €
  • Commuting: 10 %
  • Consumer price index: 122 €
  • Average sales value per m2: 4 163 €
  • Average sales value per m2 T1: 5 906 €
  • Average sales value per m2 T2: 4 267 €
  • Average sales value per m2 T3: 3 438 €
  • Average sales value per m2 T4+:
  • Average rental value per m2: 14 €
  • Cost per restaurant meal: 148 €
  • Medium supermarket basket: 136 €
  • Transport cost: 118 €
  • Average annual temperature: 18 ℃
  • Buildings With Wheelchair Accessibility: 17,25 %
Disclaimer: Data sourced from INE. Information subject to change.

Arroios has ancient origins as an agricultural area on the outskirts of Lisbon, which developed significantly after urban expansion in the 19th century. For decades, it has been a cosmopolitan center, welcoming immigrants from various parts of the world, enriching its cultural identity.

Architecture and Urban Landscape

Arroios' architecture ranges from historic buildings adorned with traditional tiles to modern constructions. The streets are lively with traditional markets, family-owned shops, and a variety of restaurants that reflect the neighborhood's multiculturalism.

Culture and Local Life

Today, Arroios is a cultural melting pot, with a vibrant arts scene, art galleries, theaters, and performance spaces. The neighborhood is known for its welcoming and community-oriented atmosphere, with local festivals, cultural events, and activities that celebrate diversity.

Quality of Life

Residents of Arroios enjoy an excellent quality of life with comprehensive infrastructure including parks, schools, hospitals, and easy access to public transportation. Proximity to central Lisbon adds convenience and employment opportunities.

Challenges and Future

Challenges include managing urban growth, preserving historical heritage, and accommodating the needs of a diverse population. Sustainable development plans are crucial to ensure Arroios remains an inclusive and vibrant neighborhood.


In summary, Arroios is a landmark neighborhood in Lisbon that blends history, cultural diversity, and dynamic urban life. With its eclectic architecture, vibrant cultural scene, and strong sense of community, Arroios continues to be a special place where past and present converge, attracting residents and visitors interested in exploring the multicultural heart of the Portuguese capital.




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