
  • Employment rate: 0 %
  • Unemployment rate: 0 %
  • Average salary:
  • Median household income:
  • Commuting: 0 %
  • Consumer price index:
  • Average sales value per m2:
  • Average sales value per m2 T1:
  • Average sales value per m2 T2:
  • Average sales value per m2 T3:
  • Average sales value per m2 T4+:
  • Average rental value per m2:
  • Cost per restaurant meal:
  • Medium supermarket basket:
  • Transport cost:
  • Average annual temperature: 0 ℃
  • Buildings With Wheelchair Accessibility: 0 %
Disclaimer: Data sourced from INE. Information subject to change.

Lapa's history dates back centuries when it was a preferred residential area for Lisbon's aristocracy and high society. From the 18th century onward, many mansions and palaces were built in the neighborhood, bearing witness to its historical and cultural significance.

Architecture and Urban Landscape

Lapa's architecture is characterized by elegant palaces, historic buildings, and tree-lined streets, creating an atmosphere of charm and sophistication. Many of these structures retain original features such as traditional tiles and ornate facades, preserving the neighborhood's historical character.

Points of Interest

Among the points of interest in Lapa is the Basilica of Estrela, an imposing 18th-century church with a majestic dome and a richly decorated interior. The Estrela Garden, adjacent to the basilica, offers an oasis of calm with its well-maintained gardens, lakes, and recreational areas.

Quality of Life

Lapa is recognized for offering an excellent quality of life to its residents. The neighborhood is tranquil and residential, ideal for those seeking a calm and safe environment in the heart of Lisbon. It boasts comprehensive infrastructure with schools, supermarkets, restaurants, and healthcare services nearby.

Culture and Leisure

Culturally, Lapa is rich in traditions and events. Cultural offerings include art galleries, spaces for cultural and historical events, as well as a variety of dining options ranging from sophisticated restaurants to cozy cafes.

Accessibility and Connections

The Lapa neighborhood has good public transport connections, including buses and electric trams that facilitate access to central Lisbon and other parts of the city. Its proximity to the historic center and tourist attractions makes Lapa a popular choice among residents and visitors.

Community and Environment

Lapa maintains a strong sense of community, with residents engaged in preserving the neighborhood's identity and tranquility. Local initiatives promote community events and activities that strengthen bonds among residents.

Challenges and Future

Despite its many qualities, Lapa faces typical urban challenges such as the need to preserve its architectural heritage while adapting to modern demands. Sustainable urban development projects are being implemented to ensure that Lapa remains an attractive and well-preserved neighborhood.


Lapa is a neighborhood that combines history, architectural beauty, and quality of life, offering a tranquil refuge in the heart of Lisbon. With its aristocratic atmosphere, vibrant culture, and welcoming environment, Lapa continues to be one of the most desirable places to live and visit in the Portuguese capital.