
  • Employment rate: 50,77 %
  • Unemployment rate: 7,28 %
  • Average salary: 1 301 €
  • Median household income: 14 896 €
  • Commuting: 10 %
  • Consumer price index: 122 €
  • Average sales value per m2: 4 769 €
  • Average sales value per m2 T1: 4 874 €
  • Average sales value per m2 T2: 4 798 €
  • Average sales value per m2 T3: 4 968 €
  • Average sales value per m2 T4+:
  • Average rental value per m2: 18 €
  • Cost per restaurant meal: 148 €
  • Medium supermarket basket: 136 €
  • Transport cost: 118 €
  • Average annual temperature: 18 ℃
  • Buildings With Wheelchair Accessibility: 49,04 %
Disclaimer: Data sourced from INE. Information subject to change.

Amoreiras has a history dating back centuries when it was primarily rural areas with olive trees (hence the name "Amoreiras"). Over the years, especially during the 20th century, the neighborhood underwent significant development, becoming an important residential and commercial area of Lisbon.

Architecture and Urban Landscape

The architecture in Amoreiras is an interesting mix of historic buildings, such as some preserved old estates, and modern skyscrapers that dominate the skyline. Particularly notable are the iconic Amoreiras Towers, designed by architect Tomás Taveira in the 1980s.

Commerce and Leisure

Amoreiras is known for its shopping center, the Amoreiras Shopping Center, which offers a variety of shops, restaurants, cinemas, and services. It is a popular destination for shopping and entertainment, attracting local residents and visitors from Lisbon.

Quality of Life

The Amoreiras neighborhood offers an excellent quality of life, with a mix of luxury residences, corporate offices, and green areas like the Jardim das Amoreiras. Its central location provides easy access to other parts of the city and a comprehensive infrastructure for daily life.

Culture and Events

While predominantly commercial and residential, Amoreiras also boasts a vibrant cultural scene with occasional events, art exhibitions, and musical performances that reflect Lisbon's diversity and dynamism.

Challenges and Future

The main challenge facing Amoreiras is balancing urban development with preserving its historical character and quality of life. Revitalization projects and sustainability initiatives are crucial to ensure the neighborhood continues to evolve harmoniously and sustainably.


In summary, Amoreiras is a multifaceted and dynamic neighborhood in Lisbon, blending history, modernity, and urban convenience. With its diverse architecture, varied commercial offerings, and attractive quality of life, Amoreiras remains one of the most sought-after destinations for both residents and visitors in the Portuguese capital.