Location and Characteristics

  • Employment rate: 36,13 %
  • Unemployment rate: 2,94 %
  • Average salary: 937 €
  • Median household income: 12 196 €
  • Commuting: 19,99 %
  • Consumer price index: 120 €
  • Average sales value per m2: 961 €
  • Average sales value per m2 T1: 890 €
  • Average sales value per m2 T2: 988 €
  • Average sales value per m2 T3: 1 075 €
  • Average sales value per m2 T4+:
  • Average rental value per m2: 3 €
  • Cost per restaurant meal: 133 €
  • Medium supermarket basket: 133 €
  • Transport cost: 118 €
  • Average annual temperature: 17,2 ℃
  • Buildings With Wheelchair Accessibility: 12,47 %
Disclaimer: Data sourced from INE. Information subject to change.

Located in the district of Évora, Borba is strategically positioned in the Alentejo plain, renowned for its extensive vineyards and olive groves. The town is surrounded by stunning natural landscapes, featuring gentle hills and agricultural fields that contribute to the local economy.

History and Heritage

With a history dating back to Roman times, Borba boasts archaeological remains that bear witness to ancient civilizations in the region. The town is famous for its historical monuments, including centuries-old churches like the Borba Mother Church and the imposing Ducal Palace of Borba, which reflects aristocratic influence in the area.

Economy and Production

Borba is renowned for its wine production, particularly robust red and white wines from the Alentejo region. Additionally, the town is famous for marble extraction, with quarries that provide high-quality stone used in various constructions and sculptures around the world.

Culture and Traditions

Borba's culture is enriched by local festivities such as the Wine Festival and the São Tiago Fair, which highlight regional gastronomy, crafts, and typical Alentejo music. The town also preserves ancient traditions such as pottery and weaving, showcasing a rural and community-oriented lifestyle.

Tourism and Attractions

Visitors to Borba are drawn to its tranquil atmosphere and the opportunity to explore natural landscapes, participate in wine tastings at local wineries, and visit the town's historical monuments. The proximity to the Serra de São Mamede Natural Park offers further opportunities for hiking and wildlife observation.


Borba is a town that combines a rich history, renowned wine production, and stunning landscapes in the heart of the Alentejo region. With its historical architecture, vibrant culture, and preserved traditions, Borba offers a charming destination for those seeking an authentic and relaxing experience in southern Portugal.

