Location and Characteristics

  • Employment rate: 43,23 %
  • Unemployment rate: 6,93 %
  • Average salary: -340 282 350 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 €
  • Median household income: 10 589 €
  • Commuting: 15,43 %
  • Consumer price index: 118 €
  • Average sales value per m2: 1 889 €
  • Average sales value per m2 T1: 2 001 €
  • Average sales value per m2 T2: 1 938 €
  • Average sales value per m2 T3: 1 902 €
  • Average sales value per m2 T4+:
  • Average rental value per m2: 8 €
  • Cost per restaurant meal: 147 €
  • Medium supermarket basket: 137 €
  • Transport cost: 112 €
  • Average annual temperature: 20,6 ℃
  • Buildings With Wheelchair Accessibility: 46,35 %
Disclaimer: Data sourced from INE. Information subject to change.

Santana is situated on the northern coast of Madeira Island, surrounded by lush forests and mountains. The village is famous for its traditional thatched houses, known as "palheiros," which are an icon of Madeiran architecture. These colorful and picturesque houses are recognized internationally and attract visitors from around the world.

History and Heritage

With a rich history dating back to the island's early settlers, Santana preserves ancient traditions and a rural way of life. The village offers visitors the opportunity to explore the Museum of the Traditional House of Santana, where they can learn more about local culture and the construction of thatched houses.

Economy and Activities

Santana's economy is based on agriculture, particularly the cultivation of tropical fruits such as bananas and passion fruit. Tourism also plays a significant role in the local economy, with visitors drawn to the stunning landscapes, hikes along the levadas (irrigation channels), and the hospitality of the locals.

Culture and Events

Culture in Santana is enriched by traditional festivals, religious celebrations, and local festivals that showcase Madeiran folk music and dances. Local crafts such as embroidery and wickerwork are skills passed down through generations and are appreciated by visitors.

Tourism and Attractions

Santana is a popular tourist destination in Madeira, offering visitors the chance to explore the island's untouched nature. Viewpoints provide impressive panoramic views, while the thatched houses and rural lifestyle offer an authentic experience of Madeiran life.


Santana on Madeira Island combines historical charm, natural beauty, and a rich culture that captivates visitors. With its unique thatched houses, stunning landscapes, and welcoming atmosphere, Santana is a must-visit destination for those looking to explore the authenticity and beauty of Madeira.



